Party tent

Party tent
Rent this beautiful inflatable tent to add a colourful touch to your next birthday party! Good also to add some shade on those hot summer days. This tent is not waterproof.
Dimension of inflated tent: 24' x 24'
Electrical requirement: 1 x 15 amp
Rental price:
- Pickup at our location: $80
- Delivery: $100 ( 2 days) + delivery fee + 20$ installation (if required)

About the vitual calendar
- It will allow you to see the inflatables availability.
- You can make a reservation directly on our website using our availability calendar. For pickups at our location only!
- Rentals are from Monday - Wednesday OR from Friday -Sunday. The three days will automatically be reserved.
- Pickups are done Monday or Friday in the afternoon or evening. The choice of pickup times will be sent by email.
- Returns are always in the late afternoon or evening on the last day of rental. Both options will be offered to you.
- To reserve a Thursday, please contact us.
- If one of the 3 days are not available in the calendar, you will not be able to take advantage of the full 3-day pickup deal!
- Want a delivery? To reserve please send us an e-mail or call us. Do not use the calendar.